I suffered from back pain since I was 16 years old. I tried chiropractic care, massage, acupuncture, Rolfing, Feldenkrais, yoga, anything to relieve this nagging pain.
Friends told me it was just something I had to live with. Doctors offered prescriptions for pain pills. But, deep down I knew there had to be a REAL solution for my pain. When I discovered the Egoscue Method, I finally found lasting relief. Relief from my physical pain and relief from the stress and worry it was causing.
Now it is my passion and my privilege to help others. I can help you discover how improving your posture can reduce your pain and allow you to live your best life.
Sue Butzow is a posture therapist dedicated to relieving your chronic pain
and improving your energy.
Through easy and effective exercises and stretches, clients are able to
improve their posture and their sense of well-being.
Sue has a BS in Physical Education, a Masters in Organizational Development,
and is certified in the Egoscue Method.
In her free time,
Sue procrastinates housework,
dreams of a traveling to Barcelona
and plays ball with her dog Lucy.